
रविवार, 2 दिसंबर 2012

आम आदमी पार्टी के बारे में..(About "AAP")

For the past two years millions of common Indians came out on streets to fight against the biggest evil in our country today - corruption. This people's anti-corruption movement has exposed the ugly and greedy face of our politicians. No political party in India today works for the common man's needs. The Janlokpal Movement was a call to all the politicians of India to listen to the common man's plea. For almost 2 years we tried every single way available to plead our cause to the government - peaceful protesting, courting arrest, indefinite fasting several rounds of negotiations with the ruling government - we tried everything possible to convince the government to form a strong anti- corruption law. But despite the huge wave of public support in favour of a strong anti-corruption law, all political parties cheated the people of India and deliberately sabotaged the Janlokpal Bill. The time for peaceful fasts and protests is gone. This is the time for action. Since most political parties are corrupt, greedy and thick skinned, it's time to bring political power back into the people's hands. We are not saying that every single politician is corrupt and greedy. There are many good intentioned people in politics today who want to work honestly for the people of India. But the current system of polity does not allow honest politicians to function. We are also not claiming that every single person who joins our party will be hundred percent honest. We are saying that it is the system that has become very corrupt and needs to be changed immediately. Our aim in entering politics is not to come to power; we have entered politics to change the current corrupt and self-serving system of politics forever. So that no matter who comes to power in the future, the system is strong enough to withstand corruption at any level of governance.

Our Vision
60 years ago India's founding forefathers had a dream for all of us - a dream of an equal and just society where every man, woman and child has the right and privilege to lead a fulfilling and nurturing life, free from all kinds of oppression. This was a dream and a hope over 60 years ago. The Constituion of India and specifically the Preamble to the Constitution of India, defines a clear roadmap for the future of our country wherein the common man and woman hold the power to decide their destiny.
Today nobody can say that India has achieved this dream. Before independence the common man was a slave to foreign powers; today he has become a slave of the political system of our country. There is a new master in our country today - the political Neta. This Neta, who asks for our votes during elections, and then forgets us after he wins, this political entity decides the common man's destiny.
But every civilisation reaches a plimsoll line of tolerance. This is our line. India's common man has had enough of oppression, inequality, injustice and unkept promises. For the last 2 years the anti corruption movement has galvanised the country from end to end into one common voice - a voice that is demanding a complete rehaul in the way political parties and their leaders function.
This national demand for a change in the way our political system works has forced our anti corruption drive to enter the political arena to clean it from the inside. Politics itself is not a dirty word - it is our current breed of politicians who have made it dirty. Aam Aadmi Party wants to make politics a noble calling once again.
We want to create a system where the political leaders we elect and place in the Parliament are directly responsible to the voters who elected them. Our party's vision is to realise e dream of SWARAJ that Gandhiji had envisaged for a free india - where the power of governance and rights of democracy will be in the hands of the people of India

Our Constitution


  • Article I – Name of the Party
  • Article II – Objectives of the Party
  • Article III – Membership of the Party
  • Article IV – Organizational Structure
  • Article IV A – Other Structure
  • Article V – Office Bearers of the Party
  • Article VI – Code of conduct, discipline & dispute resolution
  • Article VII – Rules of conduct of business
  • Article VIII – Party funds and accounts
  • Article IX – Amendment of Constitution
  • Article X – Merger split and dissolution
  • Article XI – Interpretation of the Constitution
  • Article XII – Miscellaneous Provisions

Organization and Structure

The structure of the Aam Aadmi Party shall comprise of the following 5 levels of organisation:-

1. Primary

3. District

The 5 levels of the party organisation shall comprise of the following sub-divisions:-
i. Primary Level
● Primary Unit
ii. Block Level
● Block Council
iii. District Level
● District Council
● District Executive
● District Political Affairs Committee
iv. State Level
● State Council
● State Executive
● State Political Affairs Committee
v. National Level
● National Council
● National Executive
● National Political Affairs Committee
The area of a Primary Unit shall be defined as per clause B below. The area of a Block Unit and District Unit shall ordinarily be the same as that of an Administrative Block or District in a State. The area of State Units of the Party shall conform to the States and Union Territories mentioned in the Constitution of India.
a) The Primary Unit will be constituted at:-
i. Ward Level in a Municipality (Ward Sabha);
ii. Village Level (Gram Sabha); and
iii. Each college or equivalent Higher Education Institutions (Chaatra Sabha) and shall comprise of all the ordinary and active members of that unit. However, a Primary Unit shall not be formed unless there are at least 10 Active members in that Unit.
b) Powers and Functions of the Primary Unit
The Primary Unit shall be the general body of all the ordinary and Active members of that Unit. It shall:-
i. deliberate and decide on any issue or action program to further the objective of the Aam Aadmi Party including electoral participation, struggles, opinion making and/or other constructive actions;
ii. recommend applications for Active Members;
iii. elect 1 Coordinator and 1 Co-Coordinator (out of which at least one shall be a woman) by consensus, failing which by voting in the presence of a representative of the District Executive.
iv. Coordinator and Co-coordinator shall be available for the Party work on regular basis.
v. form such teams as required and assign them such work as deemed fit.
vi. perform such tasks as assigned to it from time to time by the Party.
a) Block Council
i. A Block Council shall be constituted at the Level of a Block
ii. Coordinators of all Primary Units falling in a Block shall together constitute the Block Council.
b) Powers and Functions of the Block Council
i. A Block Council shall organize and coordinate the activities at the Block Level and shall raise public issues affecting more than one Primary unit in that Block.
ii. A Block Council shall exercise such powers and discharge such other functions as are assigned to it by the Aam Aadmi Party.
iii. The members of a Block Council shall elect from amongst themselves or from amongst Active Members in that Block, one Coordinator and one Co-Coordinator (out of which at least one shall be a woman) by consensus, failing which by voting in the presence of a representative of the District Executive.
iv. The Block Council may form such teams as may be required for its activities and the discharge of its functions.
v. Coordinator and Co-coordinator shall be available for the Party work on regular basis.

a) District Council
Each District Council shall comprise of the Coordinators and Co-Coordinators from all Primary Units and Blocks falling in that District.
Powers and Functions of the District Council:-
i. The District Council will elect the District Executive.
ii. The District Council shall have the powers to recall the District Coordinator and/or the members of the District Executive.  
b) District Executive
Each District Executive shall organize and coordinate the activities of the Party at the District Level.
i. The District Executive shall comprise of not more than 25 members selected by consensus from amongst the Active members in that District, failing which elected by a majority vote in the presence of a representative of the State Executive, of whom at least 5 shall be women and 5 shall be students. 
ii. If the Coordinator of any Unit is elected to the District Executive, he/she shall resign as the Coordinator of the concerned Unit.
iii. In addition, the District Executive will have one representative from each block of the District as decided by that Block Council.
iv. If the Coordinator of a Primary/Block Unit is elected to the District Executive, he/she shall resign as the Coordinator of the concerned Primary/Block Unit.
v. The District Executive may co-opt upto 5 members in order to give fair representation to disadvantaged social groups, such as SC, ST, Backward Classes and Minorities. If the co-opted members are not already Active members of the Party, they shall be deemed to be Active Members of the Party as soon as they are co-opted and shall have all the rights of elected members of the Executive.
vi. The District Executive may, through consensus, invite anyone from within or outside the Party to attend its meetings as a ‘Special Invitee’ for one or more meetings. However, Special Invitees shall not enjoy any voting rights.
vii. The members referred to in sub-clause (i) above shall elect one person from amongst themselves as the District Coordinator.
viii. All elected members of the District Executive shall be available for the Party work on regular basis.
Powers and Functions of District Executive
The District Executive shall:
i. form as many teams as are required to carry out the objectives of the Party.
ii. monitor and supervise the activities of Party functionaries in that District.
iii. undertake all such activities as are needed to meet the objectives of the Party in that District.
iv. undertake activities related to public issues affecting that District.
v. maintain the Register of Active Members of the Party of that District.
vi. maintain and keep accounts of District Level Finances
vii. form District Level Committees for settling internal disputes, grievances and disciplinary actions.
viii. set up the first District Level Lokpal to receive and decide complaints of violation of Code of Conduct against members of the District Executive, Block/Primary Level Coordinators and Co-coordinators.
ix. elect a District Political Affairs Committee consisting of 5 members from amongst elected members of the District Executive.
c) District Political Affairs Committee
The District Coordinator shall consult District Political Affairs Committee in every decision.

a) State Council
Each State Council shall comprise of the Coordinators from all Districts and Blocks falling in that State.
b) Functions and Powers of the State Council:-
i. The State Council will elect the State Executive.
ii. The State Council shall have the power to recall the State Coordinator and/or the members of the State Executive.
iii. It shall meet at least twice every year.
iv. It will decide the stand and policy of the Party on issues concerning that state in such manner as may be prescribed.
c) State Executive
Each State Executive shall organize and coordinate the activities of the Party at the State Level.
Composition of the State Executive
 The State Executive shall comprise of not more than 25 members selected by consensus from amongst the Active members in that State failing which elected by a majority vote in the presence of a representative of the National Executive, of whom at least 5 shall be women and 5 shall be students.
ii. In addition, the State Executive will have one representative from each District as decided by that District Executive.
iii. If the Coordinator of any Unit is elected to the State Executive, he/she shall resign as the Coordinator of the concerned District.
iv. The State Executive may co-opt up to 5 members in order to give fair representation to disadvantaged social groups, such as SC, ST, Back-Ward Classes and Minorities. If the co-opted members are not already Active members of the Party, they shall be deemed to be Active Members of the Party as soon as they are co-opted and shall have all the rights of elected members of the Executive.
v. The State Executive may, through consensus, invite anyone from within or outside the Party to attend its meetings as a ‘Special Invitee’ for one or more meetings. However, Special Invitees shall not enjoy any voting rights.
vi. The members referred to in sub-clause (i) above shall elect one person from amongst themselves as the State Coordinator.
vii. All elected members of the State Executive shall be available for the Party work on regular basis.
d) Functions and Powers of State Executive
The State Executive shall:-
i. form as many teams as are required to carry out the objectives of the Party.
ii. monitor and supervise the activities of Party functionaries in that State.
iii. undertake all such activities as are needed to meet the objectives of the Party in that State.
iv. undertake various activities related to public issues affecting that State.
v. maintain and keep accounts of State Level Finances.
vi. form State Level Committees for settling internal disputes, grievances and disciplinary actions.
vii. set up the first State Level Lokpal to receive and decide complaints of violation of Code of Conduct against members of the State Executive.
viii. elect a State Political Affairs Committee consisting of 7 members from amongst elected members of the State Executive.
e) State Political Affairs Committee
The State Coordinator shall consult State Political Affairs Committee in every decision.

a) National Council
The National Council shall be the highest policy making body of the Party. The National Council shall comprise of the Coordinators from all the States and Districts. In addition, It may co-opt 50 members from amongst the following:-
i. experts from such fields as the National Council deems fit.
ii. eminent people from the country
iii. members from disadvantaged social groups, such as SC, ST, Backward Classes and Minorities if there is inadequate representation of such groups.
b) Functions and Powers of the National Council
The National Council shall:-
ielect the National Executive.
ii. have the powers to recall the National Coordinator and/or the members of the National Executive.
iii. have the power to amend the Constitution.
iv. meet at least twice every year.
v. decide the stand and policy of the Party on issues of National interest in such manner as may be prescribed.
c) National Executive
The National Executive would be the highest executive body of the Party. It shall organize and coordinate the activities of the party at the National Level.
i. The National Executive shall comprise of not more than 30 members selected by consensus from amongst the Active members of the party failing which elected by a majority vote, of whom at least 7 shall be women and 5 shall be students. 
ii. In addition, the National Executive will have one representative from each State as decided by that State Executive.
iii. If the Coordinator of any Unit is elected to the National Executive, he/she shall resign as the Coordinator of the concerned Unit.
iv. The National Executive may co-opt upto 5 members in order to give fair representation to disadvantaged social groups, such as SC, ST, Back-Ward Classes and Minorities. If the co-opted members are not already Active members of the Party, they shall be deemed to be Active Members of the Party as soon as they are co-opted and shall have all the rights of elected members of the Executive.
v. The National Executive may, through consensus, invite anyone from within or outside the Party to attend its meetings as a ‘Special Invitee’ for one or more meetings. However, Special Invitees shall not enjoy any voting rights.
vi. The members referred to in sub-clause (i) above shall elect one person from amongst themselves as the National Coordinator.
vii. All elected members of the National Executive shall be available for the Party work on regular basis.
d) Powers and Functions of the National Executive
The National Executive shall:-
i. form as many teams as are required to carry out the objectives of the Party.
ii. monitor and supervise the activities of Party functionaries at various levels in the country.
iii. undertake all such activities as are needed to meet the objectives of the Party in the country.
iv. undertake various activities related to public issues.
v. maintain and keep accounts of National Level Finances.
vi. form National Level Committees for settling internal disputes, grievances and disciplinary actions.
vii. set up the first National Level Lokpal to receive and decide complaints of violation of Code of Conduct against National Executive members.
viii. elect a National Political Affairs Committee consisting of 7 members from amongst elected members of the State Executive.  
e) National Political Affairs Committee
The National Coordinator shall consult National Political Affairs Committee in every decision.
For all towns and cities governed by Municipal laws, Council/Executive shall be formed at following Levels:-
A. Ward Level
(i) Ward Level in any Municipality shall be equivalent to the Primary Level mentioned in clause b) stated above. The Sabha shall be formed in a similar manner and they shall work similarly.
(ii.) If any Municipality is smaller than an Assembly, then only Ward Level units (Ward Sabha) shall be constituted in that Municipality.  
B. Assembly Level
(i.) If there are one or more assemblies in any Municipality, then Assembly Level Council/Executive shall be formed in that Municipality. Assembly Level in any Municipality shall be equivalent to the District Level mentioned at clause D of Article IV above. Council/Executive shall be formed in a similar fashion and they shall work similarly.
(ii.) If any Municipality is smaller than a Parliamentary constituency, then only Ward Level units and Assembly Level Units shall be constituted in that Municipality.
C. Parliamentary Level
(i.) If there are one or more Parliamentary constituencies in any Municipality, then Parliamentary Level Council/Executive shall be formed in that Municipality. Parliamentary Level Council/Executive shall be formed in similar manner as District Council/Executive and they shall work similarly.

National Executive
  • Ajit Jha
  • Arvind Kejriwal
  • Ashok Agrawal
  • Christina Samy
  • Dinesh Vaghela
  • Gopal Rai
  • Habung Payeng
  • Illyas Azami
  • Krishna Kant Seveda
  • Kumar Vishwas
  • Manish Sisodia
  • Mayank Gandhi
  • Naveen Jaihind
  • Pankaj Gupta
  • Prashant Bhushan
  • Prem Singh Pahadi
  • Prof Anand Kumar
  • Rakesh Sinha
  • Sanjay Singh
  • Sazia Ilmi
  • Subhash Ware
  • Yogendra Yadav
  • Yogesh Dhiya
  1. There is no central high command in Aam Aadmi party. The party structure follows a bottom to top approach where the council members elect the Executive Body and also holds the power to recall it.
  2. No MLA or MP of this party will use red lights or any other beacons on his or her vehicles.
  3. No MLA or MP of this party will use any special security. We believe that elected people's representatives need the same security as a common man.
  4. No MLA or MP of our party will live in opulent and luxurious government housing.
  5. No one would need to buy an election ticket in our party. Candidates contesting elections from an area will be selected by the people of that area.
  6. In all political parties today criminals and mafia goons are given election tickets. Such people will never be given tickets in our party. A through screening process will ensure that no one with a criminal record or proven corruption charges could stand for elections from our party.
  7. This party will function with full financial transparency. Every single rupee collected by donations to run this people's party will be publicly declared on the party's website and all expenditures will also be declared on the website.
  8. Every member of the Aam Aadmi party will have to follow a strict internal code of conduct or internal Lokpal. This independent body will be headed by 3 jurists and other eminent personalities with impeccable public records and will investigate charges of corruption, crime, substance abuse and moral turpitude against all office bearing members of the party. Any citizen can present proof of wrongdoing against a party member. If internal Lokpal finds the party member guilty, he or she will be subjected to appropriate disciplinary action as decided by the internal Lokpal.
  9. No two members of the same family will be eligible to contest elections in our party and no two members of the same family can become members of the Executive Body.
  10. Today we give our vote to a candidate, he or she wins the election, and then they disappear from our life. Today most elected representatives make no time to listen to the problems of their constituents. And in the current electoral system, the people have no choice but to suffer this candidate for 5 years. We want to create an alternative. We will enact a Right to Reject law wherein the common man does not have to wait for 5 years to remove a corrupt MLA or MP from office. People can complain to the election commission anytime to recall their representative and call for fresh elections.
  11. Aam Aadmi Party is fully committed to the principles of gender equity and will represent women and students amply at all levels of party organisation.
  12. Aam Aadmi Party is committed to the principles of justice for all and will coopt representatives from the Dalit and other minority segments of society at all levels of party organisation.

Internal Lokpal

Justice Bhagwati

Justice N. Bhagwati, who retired as Chief Justice of Jharkhand High Court has agreed to become National Lokpal for the Aam Aadmi Party.

Admiral Ramdas

Ex. Navy Chief Admiral Ramdas has agreed to become National Lokpal for the Aam Aadmi Party.

Goal of Swaraj


60 years ago India's founding forefathers had a dream for all of us - a dream of an equal and just society where every man, woman and child has the right and privilege to lead a fulfilling and nurturing life, free from all kinds of oppression. This was a dream and a hope over 60 years ago. The Constituion of India and specifically the Preamble to the Constitution of India, defines a clear roadmap for the future of our country wherein the common man and woman hold the power to decide their destiny.

Today nobody can say that India has achieved this dream. Before independence the common man was a slave to foreign powers; today he has become a slave of the political system of our country. There is a new master in our country today - the political Neta. This Neta, who asks for our votes during elections, and then forgets us after he wins, this political entity decides the common man's destiny.

But every civilisation reaches a plimsoll line of tolerance. This is our line. India's common man has had enough of oppression, inequality, injustice and unkeptpromises. For the last 2 years the anti corruption movement has galvanised the country from end to end into one common voice - a voice that is demanding a complete rehaul in the way political parties and their leaders function.

This national demand for a change in the way our political system works has forced our anti corruption drive to enter the political arena to clean it from the inside. Politics itself is not a dirty word - it is our current breed of politicians who have made it dirty. Our Party wants to make politics a noble calling once again.

The biggest problem facing our democracy today is that no one in government can or wants to hear the common man's basic needs. This is the situation in the whole of our country. People need basic amenities and the government provides something else. Decisions affecting millions of  common Indians are taken by a few select leaders of the ruling party in Parliament. Democracy has become a slave of the leader of the ruling-party.

We believe that good governance happens when people have the power to influence decisions that shape their life.  This is a major change that India needs badly. No present day party will usher in this systemic change. For this very reason, our anti corruption movement has been forced to enter politics.

The Aam Aadmi party, the common man's party, wants to overhaul the 3 pillars of our democracy and make them accountable for their actions to the people of India. The following is the roadmap we aim to follow:-

1. The Executive
Today all big and small decisions that affect the nation are taken by a few select members of this body of governance. Once the ruling party comes to power, a few top leaders at the head of the party and a handful of influential corporate honchos decide all policies. Where is the voice of the common man in this decision making process? There is no Right to Recall in our country today. So once we elect a leader, we are stuck with him for 5 years. And this gives the current breed of politicians enough time to loot the resources of the country.
Is this the true meaning of Democracy? Of course not. In a true democracy The people have the power. Governments should be responsible to the people, not the other way around. This is the goal of Aam Aadmi Party - to give the power back in the hands of the people of India. This is SWARAJ or self rule - but can it be done practically?
The answer is YES!
SWARAJ can be created in a fully democratic system and many countries in the world have done it. India can also create a system which makes the government directly responsible to the people. Aam Aadmi Party aims to decentralise the system of governance in such a way that people can influence the policies that affect their local area. All the provisions to create SWARAJ are defined in the Constitution of India. All it takes is the political will to implement the spirit of the Constitution on the ground level. No political party in India today will do this. It is this corrupt and selfish current political system, that forms the Executive pillar of our democracy, that we aim to change.

2. The Legislature
The common men and women of India elect the MLAs and MPs and send them to Parliament. These chosen few then betray the trust of the common man and make unfair and corrupt policies and take unilateral decisions that affect the lives of millions of Indians. In the current system once we elect our representatives, the common people have no recourse to have a say in the law making and policy formulation process. And in this India is one of the 5 unfortunate countries in the world which do not have constitutional provisions to allow people's participation in policy making.

All the other democracies in the world have 2 such provisions - REFERENDUM and INITIATIVE. In these countries if a pre determined majority of the population consider a law unfit for the people, they can reject it and send it back to their elected representatives. This is called Referendum. Similarly, if a pre determinedmajority of the population considers a law necessary for their nation, through a clearly defined procedure the people can send the law to their chosen representatives and this right is termed Initiative. These are just two examples of how democracy can be made truly participatory and representative, if the political system supports it. Our party is committed to giving these two rights of REFERENDUM and INITIATIVE to the people of India.  

3. The Judiciary
Today if a common man wants a lawyer to represent him in either the Supreme Court or a High Court, he needs lakhs of rupees to afford legal representation. Justice in India today is so expensive that it is out of reach for a common man. The only way a poor person can appeal to the highest judicial courts is if some lawyer agrees to fight the case at nominal cost. This means that you can have justice in India today as a charity, but not as a right.

This is not the justice for all that is envisioned in the Preamble to the Constituiton of India. Access to the highest level of justice is a fundamental right of every Indian and should be made easily available to the common man. Our party plans to implement long overdue judicial reforms in order to create a judicial system easily accessible and affordable for all Indians.

When we go to cast our vote, we know that almost all the candidates are either corrupt or criminals.  But our current voting system forces us to choose any one candidate and waste our vote on someone we know is unfit for the job. We the people's party plan to give the voter an alternate choice - a Reject All button.  All  voting machines shall have a “reject all” button at the bottom. If you dislike all candidates, you will have an option to use this button. If this button gets majority of votes, the elections to that constituency will be cancelled and fresh elections will be held within a month. The parties and candidates rejected in the cancelled elections will forfeit their right to contest again in the re-elections.

Today we give our vote to a candidate, he or she wins the election, and then they disappear from our life. Today most elected representatives make no time to listen to the problems of their constituents. And in the current electoral system, the people have no choice but to suffer this candidate for 5 years. We want to create an alternative.  We will enact a Right to Reject law wherein the common man does not have to wait for 5 years to remove a corrupt MLA or MP from office.   People can complain to the election commission anytime to recall their representative and call for fresh elections.

We want to create a system where the political leaders we elect and place in the Parliament are directly responsible to the voters who elected them. Our party's vision is to realise e dream of SWARAJ that Gandhiji had envisaged for a free india - where the power of governance and rights of democracy will be in the hands of the people of India.

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