
रविवार, 2 दिसंबर 2012

आम आदमी पार्टी का एजेंडा(Aam Aadmi Pary' Agenda)

Aam Aadmi party will pass a powerful anti corruption law, Janlokpal, to remove corruption from our system. Under this law, people will be able to complain directly and imprison corrupt politicians and bureaucrats.
Today a corruption case gets extended for years in our courts. In this time the corrupt politician is re-elected many times over to loot the nation. Many times accused politicians have died before being declared corrupt by the courts. Janlokpal Act will ensure that investigation of corruption charges and prosecution is done under fast tract conditions within 6 months. If found guilty the corrupt official shall serve appropriate jail time from 1 year to life, depending on the severity of the case, his or her property will be seized and he or she will be dismissed from job.
If our party’s government comes into existence, those found guilty of corruption charges in graft scandals in recent years will be jailed within six months.
When a common man goes to an office, he is asked for a bribe. Under Janlokpal, every function of a government officer, the officer responsible and the time limit within which the work must be completed will be clearly defined. If the concerned officer doesn’t do the work within the stipulated time, Lokpal will penalize such officer, compensate the sufferer and get the work done in 30 days.

Right to Reject
When we go to cast our vote, we know that almost all the candidates are either corrupt or criminals. But our current voting system forces us to choose any one candidate and waste our vote on someone we know is unfit for the job. We the people's party plan to give the voter an alternate choice - a Reject All button. All voting machines shall have a “reject all” button at the bottom. If you dislike all candidates, you will have an option to use this button. If this button gets majority of votes, the elections to that constituency will be cancelled and fresh elections will be held within a month. The parties and candidates rejected in the cancelled elections will forfeit their right to contest again in the re-elections.

Right to Recall
Today we give our vote to a candidate, he or she wins the election, and then they disappear from our life. Today most elected representatives make no time to listen to the problems of their constituents. And in the current electoral system, the people have no choice but to suffer this candidate for 5 years. We want to create an alternative. We will enact a Right to Reject law wherein the common man does not have to wait for 5 years to remove a corrupt MLA or MP from office. People can complain to the election commission anytime to recall their representative and call for fresh elections.

Political Decentralization
The biggest problem facing our democracy today is that no one in government can or wants to hear the common man's basic needs. This is the situation in the whole of our country. People need basic amenities and the government provides something else. Decisions affecting millions of common Indians are taken by a few select leaders of the ruling party in Parliament. Democracy has become a slave of the leader of the ruling-party.
We believe that good governance happens when people have the power to influence decisions that shape their life. This is a major change that India needs badly. No present day party will usher in this systemic change. For this very reason, our anti corruption movement has been forced to enter politics.
Today all big and small decisions that affect the nation are taken by a few select members of this body of governance. Once the ruling party comes to power, a few top leaders at the head of the party and a handful of influential corporate honchos decide all policies. Where is the voice of the common man in this decision making process? There is no Right to Recall in our country today. So once we elect a leader, we are stuck with him for 5 years. And this gives the current breed of politicians enough time to loot the resources of the country. Is this the true meaning of Democracy? Of course not. In a true democracy The people have the power. Governments should be responsible to the people, not the other way around. This is the goal of Aam Aadmi Party - to give the power back in the hands of the people of India. This is SWARAJ or self rule - but can it be done practically?
The answer is YES!
SWARAJ and decentralisation of power can be done in a fully democratic system and many countries in the world have done it. India can also create a system which makes the government directly responsible to the people. Aam Aadmi Party aims to decentralise the system of governance in such a way that people can influence the policies that affect their local area. All the provisions to create SWARAJ are defined in the Constitution of India. All it takes is the political will to implement the spirit of the Constitution on the ground level. No political party in India today will do this. It is this corrupt and selfish current political system, that forms the Executive pillar of our democracy, that we aim to change.

Rising Prices


Today the common man is unable to afford even the basic commodities due to high prices. Government has deliberately inflated rates of many commodities just to ensure that corporate giants make more profit. This is direct corruption. Aam Aadmi party feels that the price of critical commodities should be determined with people’s consent.
  1. The price of petrol, diesel, LPG and gas cylinders can be reduced immediately. On one hand, the government has provided relief to big wealthy company’s worth Rs 13 lakh crore in the last 3 years and on the other hand it is extracting Rs 2 lakh crore each year from the common man by taxing his diesel and petrol. Is this good governance? Tax relief for the wealthy and sucking the common man’s blood. This should stop immediately. If tax of Rs 13 lakh crore is collected from these companies and Rs 2 lakh crore taxes on common man is waived off, petrol can be priced at Rs 50 and diesel at Rs 40. The need for rationing gas cylinders will not be needed. People will be able to use any number of cylinders at Rs 350.
  2. India has given away 1250 sq kms of oil fields in Rajasthan to foreign companies at very low prices. These companies extract oil at $3/barrel and in turn sell it to the government at $100/barrel. These oil-wells belong to us, the people of India. Why doesn’t the government extract that oil itself directly? What is the justification of conferring windfall gains on foreign companies? If these wells are taken back from the foreign companies and provide its benefit directly to the people, oil and gas prices can be reduced even more.
  3. The Government of Delhi and NCR, in a nexus with electric companies has increased electricity rates by 100%. BJP chooses to keep shut on this. Both Congress and BJP are in a pact with the electricity companies. Electricity companies are making huge profits by sucking common man’s blood. Electricity rates can be reduced drastically. Rates of electricity need to be reduced in other parts of India as well where electricity has been privatized.
  4. In Delhi and other parts of India, current governments are planning the privatization of water supply. This will result in making even water supply very expensive. Water supply rates have to be reduced drastically in such areas.
  5. If petrol, diesel, gas, electricity and water rates are reduced, other commodities will naturally become cheaper. A system will be put in place by which, people’s consent is necessary for future pricing of such critical commodities.
  6. The government has started dabbling in speculation and futures trading on all commodities. Rice, wheat, pulses, all commodities are being gambled upon, which is one of the primary reasons behind price rise. This speculation shall cease.
This nation is vast; the peoples’ problems are various. Workers and experts from the people's party will visit each and every corner of the country and talk to the people. We shall directly ask the people about their problems and work together to find solutions. On all other issues of concern, dialogues will be held and solutions found via consensus. The manifesto of the Aam Aadmi party will thus be prepared. Many subject committees have already been made to formulate our party’s view on such subjects.

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